Services in other languages than Swedish

Unfortunately the University Chaplaincy in Stockholm doesn’t have any services in other langugaes than Swedish.

Here below we have made a compilation of services in languages ​​other than Swedish:

English speaking services

There are English speaking services at Immanuel Church, and they also offer a bible study-group for young adults.

Press here for more information or contact Anna Berndes

The Catholic University Chaplaincy (CUC) meet in S:ta Eugenia Church for Bible-study, discussions & social time. Every Sunday at 7 pm after Mass in English (6 pm) in the parish hall, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 12.

Press here for more information or contact Mikael Schink SJ.

Services in other lanugages

In the Catholic cathedral in Stockholm they offer the Holy Mass and exhibition in Italian, Croatian, Spanish and Slovenian.

Press here for more information.

The Catholic dioces in Stockholm have also information about missions in many different lanugages.

Press here for more information.